If you are a creative, this is where you belong.

Take a look at some  of the nerdiest equipment we have.

It’s heaven.


The Smart and Sustainable Design degree program at HAMK is addressing tomorrow’s challenges through design and craftsmanship.
Fridrika Wetterhoff´s legacy of entrepreneurship, international opportunities, and freedom serves as a foundation of a HAMK Design Education.
HAMK footwear design program is the only one of its kind in the Nordic countries, offering students a unique opportunity to step into the world of shoes. 
Take a look at some of our design labs. It's heaven for creatives.


Design community in HAMK

Trying these foods is a fantastic way to experience Finnish culture and its unique culinary traditions.
“Hyvä kieli kuin hyvä ystävä, kannattaa oppia tuntemaan” – A good language, like a good friend, is worth getting to know. 
In Finland and especially in HAMK, coffee is always a good idea! Our design students spill the tea and share their advice on thriving in the HAMK design community.
Welcome to a Fairytale called Finland.