Why now is the right time for HAMKZINE?

Because it is always the right time to be the change and shape the future. Join us to explore sustainable footwear, fashion and glass & ceramics design.


Future of Smart and Sustainable Design

A vibrant showcase of the best works by fashion and footwear design students.
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Shaping the future of glass and ceramics design.
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Stories & Interviews

Student Profile: Fashion, Footwear, and Creative Growth

Fashion design student Milda Ramanauskiene discovered her love for footwear design through curiosity and diverse projects at HAMK. Now interning with Camper in Mallorca, Milda shares her creative path that led her there.
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"Beautiful things, loved ones, their happiness and successes make me smile."
Till Jagla and HAMK alumna Anna Kotelskaia share their stories from life at a footwear start-up.
Design industry is always hungry for new talent and our recent graduates have found blossoming careers. We got the best tips from them to taking the first steps to an international career.
The future demands visionary designers who prioritize sustainability. That’s why I’m studying at HAMK, where innovation meets eco-consciousness. Here, we are not just learning to create; we are learning to make a difference.
- Vilma-Ania Lämsä


Smart and Sustainable Design at HAMK


If you are a creative, this is where you belong. Take a look at some of the nerdiest equipment we have. It’s heaven.

The Smart and Sustainable Design degree program at HAMK is addressing tomorrow’s challenges through design and craftsmanship.
Fridrika Wetterhoff´s legacy of entrepreneurship, international opportunities, and freedom serves as a foundation of a HAMK Design Education.
HAMK footwear design program is the only one of its kind in the Nordic countries, offering students a unique opportunity to step into the world of shoes. 
Take a look at some of our design labs. It's heaven for creatives.


Design community in HAMK

Trying these foods is a fantastic way to experience Finnish culture and its unique culinary traditions.
“Hyvä kieli kuin hyvä ystävä, kannattaa oppia tuntemaan” – A good language, like a good friend, is worth getting to know. 
In Finland and especially in HAMK, coffee is always a good idea! Our design students spill the tea and share their advice on thriving in the HAMK design community.
Welcome to a Fairytale called Finland.


Sustainable future needs innovative designers. Meet the future bettermakers from HAMK.