HAMKZINE is a digital design publication produced by students and staff of the design degree programmes at Häme University of Applied Sciences.

HAMKZINE features a showcase of student work and projects as well as articles and stories from the design industry.

HAMKZINE is supported financially by the Emil Aaltonen Memorial Fund.

HAMKZINE Editorial team:

Anna Huoviala, Head of Degree Programme in Design, Editor-in-Chief
Gabriele Moschin, Creative Consultant, Guest Editor
Anne Ala-Mattinen, Creative Consultant, Guest Editor
Maria Rivera-Pessi, Senior Lecturer in Design, Editor
Vilma-Ania Lämsä, Design Student, Editor
Dorota Kanuchová, Design Student, Editor
Isabel Torras Aspa, Design Student, Editor

Jenni Väre, Design Concept and Graphic Design

Contact Information:


Anna Huoviala